Monday, February 20, 2012



so apparently I SUCK at holding this promise that I will make one post per week. MY EXCUSE(S):
-My life is getting hectic with my online business. It's doing gewd. Alhamdulillah!
-Another thing is, as i'm doing a freelance as u called it, I just got a deal with Masters' Students so heck yeh busy busy busy and busy.
-I'm planning my journey abroad with a great2 friend of mine and we are going this saturday!
-l.a.z.y. (no, i'm not!), perhaps in the next post i'll tell you about my journey yes? Till then, I'm off!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's been a week?? --SPONSOR A FURRY KID PROGRAM--

Hi all,

Wow, nasib tak terlepas azam tahun baru.. it's been a week kan today? so here i am, typing the newest, latest info for you to read. Anyway, I stumbled upon this website called Furry Friends Farm and I am very delighted to see that ada jugak people that are kind enough to build a heavenly farm to the furry kids (stray dogs and cats).

So as I was browsing, ternampak the SPONSOR A FURRY KID PROGRAM so I was like, eh!! I want I want! but how much?? heh, JUST a RINGGIT a day you could've give a better life for the kids/strays/whatever u wanna call them.

Apa je la yg boleh dibeli with satu ringgit sekarang kan? Nasi lemak pon tak lepas weh! But a ringgit a day could save a puppy or a cat's life. Think about it. If you believe in karma, well, budi baik dibalas baik kan..Rezeki is everywhere people. Don't be so stingy to donate a ringgit to the animals. you can buy mophie lah, heartbeat lah, dr dre lah, why not contribute a little? (me talking to meself)

Ok, now, this is not a paid advertisement tau. This is a free ad from me - animal lover to you; hopefully another animal lover so that you can act now.

Oh, you also can go visit the kids if you want. Jom volunteer!. Siapa nak pg and boleh drive kan ke sana, please tell me. I wanna go!! Right now all i can do is write to the person in charge, and contribute a little for the kids.

Hope you'll do the same.

Thank you in advance. :)

one of the kids is sleeping like a baby in Furry Friends Farm