Monday, February 20, 2012



so apparently I SUCK at holding this promise that I will make one post per week. MY EXCUSE(S):
-My life is getting hectic with my online business. It's doing gewd. Alhamdulillah!
-Another thing is, as i'm doing a freelance as u called it, I just got a deal with Masters' Students so heck yeh busy busy busy and busy.
-I'm planning my journey abroad with a great2 friend of mine and we are going this saturday!
-l.a.z.y. (no, i'm not!), perhaps in the next post i'll tell you about my journey yes? Till then, I'm off!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's been a week?? --SPONSOR A FURRY KID PROGRAM--

Hi all,

Wow, nasib tak terlepas azam tahun baru.. it's been a week kan today? so here i am, typing the newest, latest info for you to read. Anyway, I stumbled upon this website called Furry Friends Farm and I am very delighted to see that ada jugak people that are kind enough to build a heavenly farm to the furry kids (stray dogs and cats).

So as I was browsing, ternampak the SPONSOR A FURRY KID PROGRAM so I was like, eh!! I want I want! but how much?? heh, JUST a RINGGIT a day you could've give a better life for the kids/strays/whatever u wanna call them.

Apa je la yg boleh dibeli with satu ringgit sekarang kan? Nasi lemak pon tak lepas weh! But a ringgit a day could save a puppy or a cat's life. Think about it. If you believe in karma, well, budi baik dibalas baik kan..Rezeki is everywhere people. Don't be so stingy to donate a ringgit to the animals. you can buy mophie lah, heartbeat lah, dr dre lah, why not contribute a little? (me talking to meself)

Ok, now, this is not a paid advertisement tau. This is a free ad from me - animal lover to you; hopefully another animal lover so that you can act now.

Oh, you also can go visit the kids if you want. Jom volunteer!. Siapa nak pg and boleh drive kan ke sana, please tell me. I wanna go!! Right now all i can do is write to the person in charge, and contribute a little for the kids.

Hope you'll do the same.

Thank you in advance. :)

one of the kids is sleeping like a baby in Furry Friends Farm

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Busy week

Salam people!

This week is gonna be hectic, I know for sure because I have to babysit my nephew for a week straight plus sleepover on the weekend and I have to deal with my customers online. well nampaknya sebelah tgn pegang budak, sebelah lg pegang iphone la.. Even right now I'm typing this using my phone instead of laptop which can be very irritating sometimes. Takpe. Sabar itu sebahagian daripada iman.

And because of my promise to write at least a post per week, here I am posting random sheez..ehehe. So whats happening around me. I'm trying to venture up on another business with my partner in crime; this time it involves baking. Yes! Baking! We've been trying to bake cookies and gave out the samples for feedback from our friends and no we're not gonna sell the cookies; not until people are truly satisfied with our products.

Right now, we already made 2 types of cookies; butter cookies and choc
Chip. The feedbacks are positive so far :D who knows maybe we'll start doing this as our main thing. Right now, we are on another business venture and I've been doing another thing with another partner as well. Online business is my forte so I'll try to satisfy the customers' needs professionally. Boleh tak? How am I going to juggle in between works with my nephew around is out of question kot..

Like a wise man said; LETS GO LETS GET IT LEGGO!! LOL amendeee.ok la,

C u around next time! Ada pic cookies, cant upload via mobile. So..imagine je la ye!baiiiiii

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

People are selfish.


I know some of you might terasa with the title of this post. Hahahah! but no, it's not about you, silly! It's about people and their selfishness towards other beings and creatures.

So, I think about 3-4 days (?) yg lepas, my darling father found an abandoned kotak in front of my gate. Hells yeah, it's a treasure!! *Squeal*

NO. There are kitties and they are 5 of them!! And then my life started to become blerghhh because I just couldn't afford to care for them anymore (I have almost 20 strays menumpang kasih with me), so I was like, OMG what should I do??!!

And yes, being in this neighbourhood, girlsssssssssss, you don't know how it is! It's like a ghetto surrounding with all the makcik2 kepochi and shit. Trust me, it's not fun living in this area. this makcik belakang rumah hated cat so so so DAMN MUCH!

She would poison, spread the bad things about my family and my cats around this neighbourhood dan kalau boleh satu Malaysia. Well, lets just say, even authorities pon dan malas nk layan makcik sewel ni. Anyhowwww, I just couldn't keep the babies and my dad, being a 'responsible' neighbour, mahu hantar these poor babies to SPCA. I was like No. No. and NOOOOOOO!!!!

And the quest for the new families for kitties begun! I was lucky I guess, because I subscribed to a group called KTAJ Adoption House (FB) so, I contacted them mentioning about my situation, less than 24 hours, they posted an advertisement for the kitties. (the kitties are only 1 month ++, left without a mother)

I told my dad, I won't give up on them, I will find someone to care for them. I won't let him to put the kitties in the shelter and then what if they are not adopted? THEY WILL  BE EUTHANIZED! That just breaks my heart... So I was active in that page and the responses are so good... There are people yg sanggup care for the kitties... But first, I brought them to the vet, to deworm dan deflea, beli susu, beli mkn, because that's all I could do for them.. So then, I gave out the kitties to the new families.. 2 of them, the blackie and the whitey was adopted by a family from Kuantan, Pahang. Yes people, they came to my house in KL to adopt the kitties (bless their hearts..) And the other family adopted the belang2 one(baby last kot, dia sgt comel, rindu mama dia dan tak reti mkn lg, had to bottle fed the kitty), this family is from Kelang Lama, which is far from my house too. but hey, they'd do anything for the lovies... but I cried. because I hate seeing them separated from their siblings.

The other 2? Well.. my cousin decided to adopt one of them, and my dad let me keep the other one because I really2 don't want all of the kitties to be given away.. at least one I can care for.... And now, I have 2 kitties, one of them will be gone maybe next month...

What I want to say is, the person who left the kitties, in front of my property, without their mothers, are just downright stupid. I know it must have been the neighbour. Not the benci kucing one but others, who doesn't wanna care for the kitties.. Seriously, their conditions were so bad.. Their eyes tak bleh bukak pon because of the tahi mata dah berselaput byk.. So I just wanted to say for selfish people, please... just eff yourself up. TQ~

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saya suka memandu laju.

Okay, no. actually in the past. yes.

Pfft. Hii peeps!

So yeah, i noticed some random thing today.. I used to drive fast. well, not that fast but I hv past the 200km before. not proud of it, just so you know the background of it. So apabila memandu laju tu, rasa diri sgt bangga -tidak. tak bangga. masa tu terpaksa ikut org dari belakang sbb convoy.kenapa org tu bwk laju?taktau!-

So I noticed that whenever I was driving faster, all the cars seemed like wanted to compete with me. Cucuk2 belakang, rapat2 etc. FYI, I drove fast but wont do that because rasa cheap aja nk compete while hiding in the comfort of your own driving seat.

Whenever I drove within the speed limit, slower sometimes, people seems to be very polite. Slow, steady, relaxxxxx je... I wonder why.. Maybe its just me lah.. Mmg ada yg gatal pg cucuk when i was in the speed limit but heck i dont give a fart about it. or maybe i did give a fart. :p

Well, since i have agoraphobia, i stopped driving for awhile, then brave my heart out; keluar jugak drive kadang2, stopped going out, stopped meeting friends. Okay, next post je lah pasal tu. but i drove really slow before. takde pulak org kacau..

I guess its only in my mind. but yeah, i prefer driving my car within the speed limit/slower and staying on the middle lane.

I crashed before. The worse was when the car flipped 2 times and i ended up on the other side of the road, di atas pembahagi jalan-the triangle thingy tuk divide simpang. and also, the car was in the opposite direction. The car was total, i thought i was too; judging from the bangkai kereta people was wondering why I still survived. It's a miracle. From God. :D

Moral of the story? drive lah sukahati, tp gn ganggu org, jgn cucuk2 kereta org, dan jgn penting diri sendiri.ok? signal juga penting ye.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Yesterday was... MY BIRTHDAY!

Salam and hello readers!

Here I am again, blogging. Yippie! *or not, in that case, your yippie sound would be like: boooooopie!!*  Okay, now, what am I about to say?!

Oh yeah! Yesterday was fun fun fun *please sing along; Friday by Rebecca Black* It's Tuesday, Tuesday! Gotta get down on TuesdaaaaaayyY!!!! 

Arghh! I got distracted again....~ k, actually, yesterday was my birthday! So, Happy Birthday to yours truly!

With all the forces in the world; I pretended to be happy. I secretly wishes that I'd never grow old though. It sucks, I feel OLD! (#FirstWorldPain) LOL. Oh, this year is the first year that I, have broke the tradition of going to a fancy hotel for a quickie; err.. I mean, for a night stay and dinner celebration with all the family members. I decided to go celebrate it with my significant other. We went makan2, we went karok, we even went to IKEA for no other reason than makan2 sweedish meatballs *salivate*

Alright, back home that night, I received some presents from me familia and significant other (he's the sweetest, I got lots of prezie from him but I'll show you ONE :p ). Pictures below! And hey, please tell me that I'm not getting old...*clutching chest with one hand, another fist in the air, crying, tears, sobbing* PLEASE!

I'll see you guys around soon!

Thanks padre!

thanks cuzzie!

thanks bro

thank u

thanks significant other!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

so yeah..


Oh, it's already the 7th of January? How lame... nevermind lah! It's 2012 and I'm pretty sure I won't missed 2011. It wasn't a great year. At least for me! blablabla. But hey, my birthday is coming in 3 days time!! So I should be really excited by now right? Right? . . . WRONG !!

I'm not looking forward for my birthday and I'm not looking forward for 2012 as well. Things pretty much eff'ed up for the last year; broken relationships -family/friends/lover; you name it! Ada je lah tak kena..

And my health *or psychological state* *cough* *agoraphobia* *cough* isn't helping at all! So here I am, trying to survive in this place bernama world. LOL

Tapi takpe! My sweet little munchkin aka my nephew is growing up; he can walk now! *just today* And I'm so happy I could hug someone; except that I couldn't - So, I just virtually hug my laptop. 

Okay, now, I'm not sure if I should keep this blog up and running but I'm going to try. Lets make a resolution! *Oh wow, a week late, how fancy* .-. 

My resolution is to at least make ONE post a week. *ouch* Nobody wants to read anyway. *pouts* What could my post be about? Meh.. Random stuff. 


I just got a facelift. :D