Sunday, November 21, 2010


Assalamualaikum and good evening…

I've been thinking lately of the kind of jobs that suit me. I still haven't made up my mind of what kind of job/s should I go for. I'm kinda scared because my cousin is going to his first interview tomorrow and I'm still here doing nothing.
I want the job that I can relate to and of course, the salary must be reasonable. Okay, so, what kind of job/s that I really want??

1) Travel writer (but I don’t know where to start and should I be doing a freelance job?
2) Venture in Business (what kind? Online? Still not sure and I don't have the capital to start off my business, I don't want to rely on my parents too much >.<")
3) Banking (I like banking but… My degree is English Linguistics and Literature..
4) Job that requires me to sit in my office all day long.ahaha

Because of my degree, people expect me to be a teacher/lecturer/cikgu/ustazah..?? but I don’t think I’m up for it as I don’t really like teaching in public schools and I have to go to Maktab perguruan so that I would be able to teach in schools. What about private schools? Perhaps Smart reader Kids might be a good experience. They are hiring now.. Should I or should I not take the opportunity and just go for it?

We’ll see, maybe the job might be good for starter and my resume will look extra special with the experience that I’ll gather from working there…
Another job that I think is good for a short run is working in a bookstore. Oh well, I have to start somewhere right? =/ Pressure oh pressure.

See you in the next updates!~


  1. salam kak tasya.
    knal x nih sape? hehe...
    wish u best of luck eh..

  2. wsalam.
    ni amy adik cipi kan kan?^^
    mekaseh amy~ terlebey risau ni.haha

  3. betol tasya! taktau betol nak carik keje ape. huhu. for now i think i want to teach kot. at least nak rase working environment coz if u think about it, kalau keje ofis rata2 orang mesti dah tua2. takot takleh nak get along. huhu

  4. kan??nawal nak try kerja kat mana?fairview international school?smart reader kids ada nak amek teacher tau..depan giant. tasya still not sure lagi nak kerja bila and nak kerja apa. betol kata nawal, kalo kat ofis mcm susah nak click je nanti...
