Thursday, December 2, 2010


Assalamualaikum Alles~

I've been very-very busy these past few days. As the readers(yup, you~) know, I did post an update or two regarding my soon to be born nephew; well guess what? He's here!! oh yeah baby~! He was born on Sunday at 11.13am at the Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital.

 According to his mama, he was eager to get out from her tummy as it took only 5 pushes and just 18ml(i think) over 100ml epidural for her to deliver the baby. Such a good boy... he surely didn't want her mama to be in a state of pain for so long because that surely will make his baba panic!hehe.

Now, I am proud to say that I've become an aunt cum nanny to baby Rafa :)
hi world ^^

*not so fun facts*
1) epidural is expensive- RM1000 per 100ml and apparently you'll be charged the same amount even if you only took a small amount of it. kalo boleh bawak balik kan best, bleh higghhhhhhhh.hahahahaha

2) he's in Kajang right now for 2 weeks. I'm missing him. See you soon darling.

3) I didn't find that nurse. Yes. that nurse (if you read this bro, yes, I did look for that *bleep* whore/gold

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