Thursday, January 20, 2011

Post celebration of my birthday :p DSLR camera yippie!

Assalamualaikum and hi leute!~

I know I know this is like, hey dude your birthday was like..OVER! haha yeh, but I just got a COOOL present from my dad and bro - Canon EOS 550D with kit lens. Yes people, I've been obsessing with DSLR camera for so long now. I love to take photos of basically anything. =P

Oh so I finally made up my mind on what type of DSLR camera that suit my need kan. Firstly I thought, hey cool nya EOS 60D! I want I want!! Then, I asked a friend, Cipi for an opinion about what type of DSLR should I buy as I'm just starting up. She said: EOS 550D is great for beginners and EOS 60D is mid range level. Okay, but I still think EOS 60D is cool at that point. So I made a comparison (Internet je la- pakcik Google kan ade) between EOS 550D and EOS 60D and also 7D (ha, dream on!) and oh yeah baby I teros fall in love dengan itu limaratuslimapuluhD! Why?you ask?

nah answers!

So I thought.. If I wanna get a powerful DSLR better amek 7D but hey, pelan2 kayuh right!

nyeh2, at last, on the 14th January I teros bought an EOS 550D at Canon KLCC yeehaaaa! so here's the pics ^_______^

Love it!

oh got the red bag too^^

Close up

And here are the pics I took with my 550D :)

ISO 6400, no flash, AP, WB auto

ISO 400, With Flash, Portrait Mode, WB auto

ISO 400, With Flash, Normal, WB auto

ISO 400, Flash, WB auto

ISO 400, Flash, WB auto

ISO 3200, no Flash, WB auto

Okay, see you in the next updates =D


  1. Canon 550D is quite nice and affordable...
    but mine currently using Nikon XD

  2. hey Jerry :D been to your blog, i love guitar and photography as well. but i bet you are a pro lah compared to myself.hehe.anyways thanks for the warm welcome ;)

  3. Cha-cha~! *huggles*
    Sorry haven't been blogwalking much, you know my schedule >___>;

    Anyway this might be belated, but CONGRATULATIONS! Happy photographing dear~ =)


  4. Cipi a.k.a Hanawa!*kissy2*

    yep, that's alright darling, I've been busy with my business as well..^___^

    Hey, Thank you so much! know what? been thinking of buying prime lens soon. the 50mm f1.8 II coz wanna do portrait shooting with nice bokeh~psst- affordable lens as well!

