Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Busy week

Salam people!

This week is gonna be hectic, I know for sure because I have to babysit my nephew for a week straight plus sleepover on the weekend and I have to deal with my customers online. well nampaknya sebelah tgn pegang budak, sebelah lg pegang iphone la.. Even right now I'm typing this using my phone instead of laptop which can be very irritating sometimes. Takpe. Sabar itu sebahagian daripada iman.

And because of my promise to write at least a post per week, here I am posting random sheez..ehehe. So whats happening around me. I'm trying to venture up on another business with my partner in crime; this time it involves baking. Yes! Baking! We've been trying to bake cookies and gave out the samples for feedback from our friends and no we're not gonna sell the cookies; not until people are truly satisfied with our products.

Right now, we already made 2 types of cookies; butter cookies and choc
Chip. The feedbacks are positive so far :D who knows maybe we'll start doing this as our main thing. Right now, we are on another business venture and I've been doing another thing with another partner as well. Online business is my forte so I'll try to satisfy the customers' needs professionally. Boleh tak? How am I going to juggle in between works with my nephew around is out of question kot..

Like a wise man said; LETS GO LETS GET IT LEGGO!! LOL amendeee.ok la,

C u around next time! Ada pic cookies, cant upload via mobile. So..imagine je la ye!baiiiiii

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