Saturday, January 7, 2012

so yeah..


Oh, it's already the 7th of January? How lame... nevermind lah! It's 2012 and I'm pretty sure I won't missed 2011. It wasn't a great year. At least for me! blablabla. But hey, my birthday is coming in 3 days time!! So I should be really excited by now right? Right? . . . WRONG !!

I'm not looking forward for my birthday and I'm not looking forward for 2012 as well. Things pretty much eff'ed up for the last year; broken relationships -family/friends/lover; you name it! Ada je lah tak kena..

And my health *or psychological state* *cough* *agoraphobia* *cough* isn't helping at all! So here I am, trying to survive in this place bernama world. LOL

Tapi takpe! My sweet little munchkin aka my nephew is growing up; he can walk now! *just today* And I'm so happy I could hug someone; except that I couldn't - So, I just virtually hug my laptop. 

Okay, now, I'm not sure if I should keep this blog up and running but I'm going to try. Lets make a resolution! *Oh wow, a week late, how fancy* .-. 

My resolution is to at least make ONE post a week. *ouch* Nobody wants to read anyway. *pouts* What could my post be about? Meh.. Random stuff. 


I just got a facelift. :D


  1. hello there..hopefully your new year resolution come post one week..hehehe..take care.. :)

  2. I'm a little bit kiasu. So my resolution will be 2 post a week? hehehe! happy belated new year :D

  3. @Monica, hi! Thank you. i'll try to do a post per week or maybe even more. Lol. *facepalm*

  4. @theeggyolks, your name makes me hungreh! Hehe, well, lets do it! And, happy new year!! *pom2 shake*
