Wednesday, January 25, 2012

People are selfish.


I know some of you might terasa with the title of this post. Hahahah! but no, it's not about you, silly! It's about people and their selfishness towards other beings and creatures.

So, I think about 3-4 days (?) yg lepas, my darling father found an abandoned kotak in front of my gate. Hells yeah, it's a treasure!! *Squeal*

NO. There are kitties and they are 5 of them!! And then my life started to become blerghhh because I just couldn't afford to care for them anymore (I have almost 20 strays menumpang kasih with me), so I was like, OMG what should I do??!!

And yes, being in this neighbourhood, girlsssssssssss, you don't know how it is! It's like a ghetto surrounding with all the makcik2 kepochi and shit. Trust me, it's not fun living in this area. this makcik belakang rumah hated cat so so so DAMN MUCH!

She would poison, spread the bad things about my family and my cats around this neighbourhood dan kalau boleh satu Malaysia. Well, lets just say, even authorities pon dan malas nk layan makcik sewel ni. Anyhowwww, I just couldn't keep the babies and my dad, being a 'responsible' neighbour, mahu hantar these poor babies to SPCA. I was like No. No. and NOOOOOOO!!!!

And the quest for the new families for kitties begun! I was lucky I guess, because I subscribed to a group called KTAJ Adoption House (FB) so, I contacted them mentioning about my situation, less than 24 hours, they posted an advertisement for the kitties. (the kitties are only 1 month ++, left without a mother)

I told my dad, I won't give up on them, I will find someone to care for them. I won't let him to put the kitties in the shelter and then what if they are not adopted? THEY WILL  BE EUTHANIZED! That just breaks my heart... So I was active in that page and the responses are so good... There are people yg sanggup care for the kitties... But first, I brought them to the vet, to deworm dan deflea, beli susu, beli mkn, because that's all I could do for them.. So then, I gave out the kitties to the new families.. 2 of them, the blackie and the whitey was adopted by a family from Kuantan, Pahang. Yes people, they came to my house in KL to adopt the kitties (bless their hearts..) And the other family adopted the belang2 one(baby last kot, dia sgt comel, rindu mama dia dan tak reti mkn lg, had to bottle fed the kitty), this family is from Kelang Lama, which is far from my house too. but hey, they'd do anything for the lovies... but I cried. because I hate seeing them separated from their siblings.

The other 2? Well.. my cousin decided to adopt one of them, and my dad let me keep the other one because I really2 don't want all of the kitties to be given away.. at least one I can care for.... And now, I have 2 kitties, one of them will be gone maybe next month...

What I want to say is, the person who left the kitties, in front of my property, without their mothers, are just downright stupid. I know it must have been the neighbour. Not the benci kucing one but others, who doesn't wanna care for the kitties.. Seriously, their conditions were so bad.. Their eyes tak bleh bukak pon because of the tahi mata dah berselaput byk.. So I just wanted to say for selfish people, please... just eff yourself up. TQ~

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