Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh No!!

"Once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random, things, facts or goal about you. At the end, choose 5 people to be tagged. You have to tagged the person who tagged you. If i tag you, its because i want to know more about you."

Assalamualaikum, selamat petang! good afternoon! :D

so apparently I have been tagged by Hanawa and I am to write 25 boring things about Me. Hahaha.. Tak perlah, here are the things that you don't know about me ;) 

1- I love nature so much I cried when one of the trees in the new house falls down and hit the other tree. Lame-O!

2- I also love animals, esp. cats. 

3- People think my face means business but when they know me, they still think my face means business. eh?

4- I wanna be a crime investigator so I can fight crimes.

5- I'm not a hoarder but my room is messy. 
6- I'm a toilet freak. I can't see a single dirt in my bathroom. I will clean the place until it's spotless no matter what the time is.

7- Love to investigate about ghosts. But afraid of Ghosts. esp POCONG. 

8- Shopping.Love.Shopping.I can shop and never stop.haha

9- I'm a scoleciphobia. seriously I'm so scared of it.
eww eww eww!!

10- Love to travel but hates to fly coz fear of crashing. Naik je flight mula la fikir bukan2.

11- Suka kids but not when they started to throw tantrums. memang nak mampos lah tu.

12- Didn't care about politics but will register to vote. 

13- Reading books for pleasure and hates textbook. I can read when I'm not being pressured to read for the sake of exams.

14- Still buys undergarments with family- brothers included.:))

15- Can't stand talking to people who don't listen.

16- Is a bad tempered person but cools down easily.

17- Love Tokio Hotel. haha yes. Ich liebe Tokio Hotel fur immer!

Brandon Flower from The Killers

Makoto from The Gazette

<3 Bill Kaulitz from Tokio Hotel
18- Somehow love androgynous men. 

19- Hates vegetables. 

20- Can cook but often rely on my aunt to cook meals coz she's the best cook ever!

21- Love to take photographs but have no DSLR. 

22- Once upon a time, I love Fanthagiro and Poison Ivy.

23- Horror movies/games can make me have trouble sleeping for days.

24- Loud with parents and friends but not with strangers.

25- Some people said that if I don't really like someone/something, I will make certain faces. I'm no good at faking my feelings.

Wow, after almost 30 minutes, I've finish listing down 25 things about me. So now u know me~ *hugs* now... *hehehe* it's time to tag 5 people to continue this legacy!~hahahahaha. so the lucky people are:

coca cola

uhhh...i don't know any other bloggers who haven't been tagged so I'll tag you girls again :p

See you guys in the next updates :D

  • pst- Nordy, I don't know why your picture is so far away, as you can see, i'm still a noob here. sorryyyyyy.
  • pst 2- Cipi, why the template is soooo white?dont know how to change it so tralalala, macam kertas exam. >.<"



  1. kalau tasya rajen, bleh wat sendiri je design blog nih. tasya gi kt design then carik template designer. ha pandai2la godek2 kt situ. hee.

  2. nawal, thannkk uuuussss~
    sudah design sikit2..godek sana godek sini..hehe

  3. Salam Cha-cha~

    YEAY YOU DID IT!! *pats yah* I gotta thank Nawal later for answering that for me.

    Hmmm I've learned a bunch of nu facts, but most of them are "given" LOL. Anyway congrats for surviving the meme Cha-cha! If you please, I have another meme with 100++ questions! @.@

  4. yuppies Cipi akhirnya design blog berubah loving the blogspot.hee
    oh?100+ questions?ure joking righhtt?? T.T anyways, i still don't know why this particular post sgt puteh.dah godek this one xmo ikot plak.haiyaa jebon.

  5. Go GO Blogspot! XD

    *nods* Yeaps, an insane 100++ meme is enough to spend the whole holiday LOL.
    Hmmm I have had the same problem but mine is in black and not white. Together we become tahi cicak!

  6. *pom2*

    so, You decided to do the 100++ meme?(macam norman hakim and memeK je) *LOL*

    black and white posts..nice~
