Sunday, October 16, 2011

WooHOoooo!! I've graduated!

Salam netizens!

Yes, I haven't been blogging for ages. Mainly because I don't know what to write as my life is like a straight line of boringness. But hey, I'm back! Just a quick update though. I am an official graduate of IIUM (B.HSc English Language and Literature Hons)~  I just had my convocation ceremony on the 10/10/11  and to tell the truth, I am so glad that it's over!

Don't get me wrong here, I love meeting my sweet friends but it's kinda hot and the sun didn't give us any justice. Seriously, it's like I was gonna have a heat stroke and epic face-to-the-floor-faint situation. gahh!! Thick robe, with tudung and mortar board, baju kurung. Wow, you can't even imagine the sweatiness and the stickiness that I have to bear for  6-8 hours!

I can't help but to think of what my life is gonna be after this. So people, feel free to offer me a job! haha!

See behind the scene pics here:

Till next time.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Stop Animal Abuse In Malaysia : Online Petition

Stop Animal Abuse In Malaysia : Online Petition: "Sign the online petition to stop animal abuse and cruelty in Malaysia with tougher legislations, stricter enforcement and active prosecutions. Together, we can make a difference."

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My first moon shot!

Hi and Salam leute~

I think I've abandoned this blog for so long now that I'm too occupied with life. Okay lets cut to the chase, I went out yesterday night(yes people.outside my house.) to try to capture the supermoon shot with my DSLR and my new lens I just bought- It's EF-S 55-250mm which I bought specifically to capture the supermoon shot.

However, it has been raining cats and dogs last night so all I can see was a cloudy night with no moon at all!! *cries* I have to wait for another 20 years for the supermoon to arrive to earth and by then I'd be so old -.-
Eh, but but, the night before the supermoon, I've managed to take a moon shot after the rain stopped at around 11PM so here are my shots from the unedited version to the last bit of editing.

I know it's not that great but this was my first attempt and I'm proud of it. :)

The unedited version. Captured at 250mm

Trying to do a lil bit of editing.hence,the xoxo.LOL

After crop, brighten,contrast etc2 using photoshop cs4 here's my final result!
Okay, I refer to the guideline from goldfries' blog on how to shoot the moon. You might find the blog useful. :)

Camera: EOS 550D
Lens: EF-S 55-250mm IS with IS OFF
Shutter Speed: 1/50
ISO 100
Aperture: f10
WB Auto
No flash triggered

I literally squatting like idiot in front of my house just to get this shot. haha.. well, See ya soon readers.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Post celebration of my birthday :p DSLR camera yippie!

Assalamualaikum and hi leute!~

I know I know this is like, hey dude your birthday was like..OVER! haha yeh, but I just got a COOOL present from my dad and bro - Canon EOS 550D with kit lens. Yes people, I've been obsessing with DSLR camera for so long now. I love to take photos of basically anything. =P

Oh so I finally made up my mind on what type of DSLR camera that suit my need kan. Firstly I thought, hey cool nya EOS 60D! I want I want!! Then, I asked a friend, Cipi for an opinion about what type of DSLR should I buy as I'm just starting up. She said: EOS 550D is great for beginners and EOS 60D is mid range level. Okay, but I still think EOS 60D is cool at that point. So I made a comparison (Internet je la- pakcik Google kan ade) between EOS 550D and EOS 60D and also 7D (ha, dream on!) and oh yeah baby I teros fall in love dengan itu limaratuslimapuluhD! Why?you ask?

nah answers!

So I thought.. If I wanna get a powerful DSLR better amek 7D but hey, pelan2 kayuh right!

nyeh2, at last, on the 14th January I teros bought an EOS 550D at Canon KLCC yeehaaaa! so here's the pics ^_______^

Love it!

oh got the red bag too^^

Close up

And here are the pics I took with my 550D :)

ISO 6400, no flash, AP, WB auto

ISO 400, With Flash, Portrait Mode, WB auto

ISO 400, With Flash, Normal, WB auto

ISO 400, Flash, WB auto

ISO 400, Flash, WB auto

ISO 3200, no Flash, WB auto

Okay, see you in the next updates =D

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Been awhile.Happy new year and happy birthday to me!!

Salam and Hi all!

It's been so long since my last post kan? haiya..I've been busy managing a shopblog as I'm currently doing an online business with a friend. So ni baru ada nafas sikit mahu update blog peribadi.haha! Oh and plus I was DEAD sick for the past weeks so yeah, tension gua ok!

Anyway, mari update. So now its already January 13. I hope its not too late to wish all of you a HAPPY NEW YEAR. hehe I think its already late lah. Whatever it is, hope you guys and girls enjoyed your holidays alright?
I didn't do anything kot time new year, stuck at home jer nothing much to comment on that.

Ok, 10/01/11. Wah, lucky number is it?It was my birthday!! I'm 24 this year baby! Urgh..I love 23 not 24! *Sob3*. My family planned a relaxing day at HiltonPJ on the 10/01 til 11/01 and yes, it was relaxing and rejuvenating! Bear in mind that I'm not well during my birthday so the journey from KL to PJ was like a death sentence. T_____T. Once I got there, lepak2 at my room, tido2 and I didn't bring my laptop lah this trip. Reason - I'm sick. And so all my pics were me in my Sunglasses eventhough the celebration took place at night. Damn me. Mabok laot kot.

Nevermind lah, I had a whole lot of fun with family. I love them will all my heart and thanks especially to my dad for the quick trip out of the madness in KL.I love you. Here are some pics from the hotel. 

Finished eating.haha this is the 1st celebration at lunch

Comfy room
Care for some juice? :p

I just love the bathroom

Because of Crabtree and Evelyn Toiletries. 

2nd Celebration. FOOOD

My Plate. Seabass

FOOOOOOD! Sirloin steak.yummy 

eh, habis da

Happy Birthday Syasya! :p